Saturday, October 25, 2008


This is Ben. I loved his hat and his serious side. Part of what I love about photographing high school seniors is their willingness to show me these facets of their personalities. Moms sometimes get nervous when they see me taking so many "not smiling" shots, but those shots usually end up being some of my favorites.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Keep Singin'

Lake Studios owner, John Walls, hired me to photograph his recording studio set-up for publicity. Part of the shoot entailed photographing his daughter, Haley, in action - in the sound booth. I loved the shots of her and had to share one. Keep singin' Haley, you were fantastic!


I love this shot of Jennifer. The glasses and the black and white are very striking. We had a great time. And, thanks Vicki (mom) for dragging around the basket!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My family spent a great weekend in Chicago. My husband ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday. Unfortunately for his legs, we did a little too much sight seeing before the race, but he managed to do well despite that and the hot temps. This is one of my favorite night shots as we're walking back to our hotel.

Sears Tower

This is my daughter, Caitlyn, at the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago.


Here's one of my favorite shots from Andrea's senior session. Thanks Andrea, I had a great time! You are beautiful.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Stretching is part of the early morning routine of the Camdenton Chorale 5th and 6th grade singing group. I attended a rehearsal to shoot photos for some upcoming print work. My daughter (not pictured) is part of the Chorale. I was extremely impressed by their sound and their attention and commitment to working. I can't wait to hear them in concert.


This is a shot from my first senior session here in the area. I really enjoyed working with Jared and really appreciate his parents "taking a chance" on the new photographer in town! It was a great session.

Steak Au Poivre

I will be doing some shoots for Lake Life Styles Magazine from time to time and I'll share some of my favorite stuff. I love food photography and I love steak - so this one made it into my favorites. This was a shoot at the Brass Door restaurant in Osage Beach. The chef prepared a steak Au Poivre style, it is coated in peppercorns on one side and cooked in butter, then an incredible sauce of brandy and cream. See the latest magazine for the recipe, or visit the restaurant. This shot is in the first stages of the dish, the steak is sizzling in a hot pan of butter ... YUM.


Blog Archive


Thank you so much for checking out my work. This is where I'll post all my recent outings, mostly professional, but I'll probably throw in a personal one here and there as well. Please leave comments or click on the link below to email, I'd love to hear from you.

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